The intention to open an animal shelter is to let more people know about the kittens/cats adoption program so that more people can come to adopt a kitten/cat, but in fact more people come to abandoned their un-want kittens/cats.
People come in to tell you all kind of reasons just want to get off their own responsibility to take care their so called "loved pet". Usually i wouldn't accept the kittens unless the owner promise to neuter the mother cat. But for those who even don't want keep the mother cat, i have no choice but to get them off my shelter-those irresponsible human are not welcomed to my shelter!!!
However,compare with those irresponsible human, there are even have lot of so called "non-heart human" who just dumping a box outside the shelter with all kinds of found inside - very sick kittens, pregnant cat, even newborn kittens with eyes no opened....i asked myself many times how human heart can be so cruel, dumping the litter kittens this way and let them suffer to die? why not allow them to be with their mother cat until they can eat by self? they also a life like you and me!!