They are cats i rescued and now become part of my family.
they stay at my room, even sleep at my bed....every night i have to force them go back to their own cat room.
they stay at my room, even sleep at my bed....every night i have to force them go back to their own cat room.
Of course, not every cat can be lucky like them.
Since more and more cats/kittens came in for help, i have to put them in a rented shop house for adoption.
I can be so happy if someone with lot of love come to adopt a kitten/cat, but also be worry if a kitten/cat was adopted by people who even not show his/her passion to it. I even think to reject the adoption for those who not show their passion to the animals......
I can be so happy if someone with lot of love come to adopt a kitten/cat, but also be worry if a kitten/cat was adopted by people who even not show his/her passion to it. I even think to reject the adoption for those who not show their passion to the animals......
hello kitty. just wanna ask your permission to add your blog link to my blog.issit ok wth u?
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